
Endo-Bronchial Ultrasound Bronchoscopy (EBUS)

Home / Dr. Kushal Chidgupkar

Endo-Bronchial Ultrasound Bronchoscopy (EBUS)

An Endo-Bronchial Ultrasound Bronchoscopy (EBUS) is a minimally invasive medical procedure done by Interventional Pulmonologist. By doing this procedure one visualises lymph nodes and mass lesions located adjacent to the airways. When EBUS technique was not available to visualise mediastinal lymph nodes, Mediastinoscopy was used. Mediastinoscopy is a more invasive procedure as compared to EBUS. In mediastinoscopy, a mediastinoscope is inserted through an incision at the top of the sternum.

Endo-Bronchial Ultrasound is a bronchoscopic procedure. EBUS scope is made up of a specially designed Flexible Bronchoscope which has a camera and an USG probe at the tip. This scope also has a working channel to collect tissue biopsies.

Needle biopsy forceps are used to take tissue biopses i.e. Fine Needle Biopsy (FNB) and Aspirates (TBNA) from mediastinal lymph nodes and mass lesions adjacent to airways. These collected samples are sent for histopathological, cytopathological, microbiological and molecular investigations to find out whether patient is suffering from cancer, infection or inflammation.

Two different types of EBUS are available in the market- Linear (convex) EBUS and Radial EBUS. Linear (convex) EBUS is mostly used to visualise abnormalities in the central areas of lung and mediastinum. Radial EBUS is mostly used to visualise abnormalities in the distal areas of the lungs.

Radial EBUS gives a 360° view of the inner side of airways.

1- Benefits of EBUS

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